Tokyo Japan Travel Attractions Destinations Map: Kokeshi

When I laid my sights on visiting Sendai, ane of the reasons was Kokeshi. You may already know that Kokeshi are wooden dolls, precisely their master copy utilization remains unknown. It is believed they kickoff appeared during the afterward Edo Period, from 1603 - 1868.

  You may already know that Kokeshi are wooden dolls TokyoTouristMap: Kokeshi

According to the supplied literature at that topographic point are 10 dissimilar styles of Kokeshi - all created inwards the Tohoku portion alone - too 5 styles produced inwards Miyagi Prefecture: Narugo, Togatta, Yagiro, Sakunami, too Hijiori.
I made my alternative purely on size too looks. For virtually 800 yen I purchased a Kokeshi from a working creative someone inwards the gift store nigh Aoba Castle. I likewise stopped at Shimanuki Honten inwards downtown Sendai. There I establish a Kokeshi meant to stand upwards for Date Masamune! I was real pleased.

  You may already know that Kokeshi are wooden dolls TokyoTouristMap: Kokeshi

The store carries a comprehensive diverseness of Kokeshi inwards an array of sizes, styles, too prices. Kokeshi are charming examples of Tohoku folk art too a skillful souvenir of my trip.


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