My fourth dimension equally a JET is soon coming to an end. I possess got decided to extend putting my fourth dimension left at 1 twelvemonth together with a half.
Now, it seems similar a long time, but the agency I run across it, it’s truly not. By Oct of side past times side twelvemonth I volition live preparing for my side past times side adventure… Korea.
Why Korea?
I visited Korea during Golden Week inwards May together with I savage caput over heals inwards beloved amongst the culture. Korea excited me equally I toured the palaces together with wandered around the Secret Garden. I loved the spicy food, the span shops, the agency people showed affection for 1 another. I was together with therefore excited that inwards Seoul, I could observe clothing together with shoes that fit. I was finally a normal size! In addition, if I studied hangul for 1 hour, I could larn how to read.
The terms of living is truly cheaper inwards Korea. Food, clothes, together with practiced populace carry are fantastic. I tin possess got a develop anywhere for cheap. Seoul versus Okinawa, I bargain amongst overcrowded traffic, bad drivers, together with paying for all the necessities of my car.
If I succeed into getting into GEPIK or EPIK, my housing volition live paid for. (What a relief!)
How I’m preparing
1. Studying the linguistic communication
I made a lot of mistakes earlier coming to Nihon together with my biggest fault entailed non studying the language. You intend it would live mutual sense, right? But, no, similar the broad eyed ignoramus I was, I didn’t study, amongst the mindset of, “I’ll larn Japanese when I’m inwards Japan. I’ll live fully immersed, right?”
I truly had to report hiragana, katakana, together with enquire nigh kanji. I felt lost because I couldn’t empathise a damn thing. I was equally helpless equally a newborn babe together with I couldn’t bargain amongst that, bolting me into civilization stupor early on.
Now, I industrial plant life a tutor to assist me larn Korean together with volition start learning the language.
2. Getting my funds inwards banking concern check
Moving countries takes a lot of money. You bespeak coin for rent, deposits, telephone bills, food, together with fifty-fifty a machine (maybe). When I kickoff moved to Japan, I didn’t fifty-fifty realize I would live spending equally much coin equally I was. It was crazy how much I needed simply to hold out inwards my novel country.
By saving together with setting funds aside, I tin motility to Korea comfortably.
3. Thinking nigh all the people I possess got to tell goodbye to
I could non possess got survived without the kindness of together with therefore many Japanese. In times of need, at that spot was also a really form soul to assist me. I possess got to observe a agency to necktie unloose ends whether it live giving presents or having 1 lastly dinner amongst those I’m unopen to. I know I volition live able to motility frontward into the side past times side chapter of my life later properly proverb goodbye.
4. Doing research
The network is a powerful tool I should possess got utilized earlier I came. I should possess got industrial plant life Sharla inwards Nihon or Ciaela together with listened to what they had to tell nigh Japan. I didn’t expect into the good, the bad, or the ugly. I didn’t properly query Okinawa together with what it had to offer.
Now, I possess got industrial plant life other YouTubers who alive inwards Korea together with am listening to their unlike viewpoints together with perspectives on living inwards Korea equally a foreigner. I know precisely what I’m getting into together with how to bargain amongst it.
For me, that’s a relief rather than going inwards blind.
Why I’m choosing to acquire out
As much equally I loved the civilization here, it’s fourth dimension to leave. I volition live piteous to acquire out behind 1 of the most beautiful places I possess got e'er lived. I volition fille the colorful fish, the coral reef, together with the burning orangish of the sunset reflected on the water.
I’ll fille Japanese curry together with practiced sushi. I volition fille Eisa together with walking around inwards my yukata at summertime matsuri.
I’m leaving because it’s fourth dimension to motility on. I bespeak a novel adventure. What excited me earlier doesn’t excite me much anymore. I yet beloved my sanshin. I yet beloved Cross Fit. I savor learning nigh the Ryukyu culture. I know what life hither is truly similar together with the euphoria has faded. I bespeak to stretch my wings together with expand my horizons 1 time again.
Another argue I’m leaving is because Okinawa is a dating wasteland. I possess got 2 options: armed forces or Okinawans. With the military, I don’t possess got much inwards common, if at all anything. As I mentioned earlier inwards Dating Military on Okinawa, I experience separated because they run across Okinawa differently than I do. The metallic debate does to a greater extent than than dissever us physically, it separates our worlds.
Okinawans also tend to live to a greater extent than conservative than mainland Japanese. I can’t fifty-fifty observe an Okinawan guy to expect twice at me, together with it’s truly sad. Okinawans are also shorter than mainland Japanese. Hello, Gina the Giant!
I realize I came to Nihon to learn English linguistic communication together with larn nigh a novel culture, but that isn’t plenty for me.
I bespeak to become to a house where I tin easily connect amongst people. I industrial plant life Korean civilization (especially Seoul) is really Westernized together with opened upwardly to unlike influences. I industrial plant life people are to a greater extent than agreement of foreigners because of the opened upwardly exposure to movies together with imports.
Korea is the correct check for me because of my personality. I industrial plant life to a greater extent than things that suited me inwards Korea inwards v days than I possess got inwards Okinawa inwards 2 together with a one-half years.
Alas, Okinawa, I volition live proverb goodbye to y'all inwards a twelvemonth together with a half.
Of course, I volition yet weblog amongst utmost abide by to the house that has housed me. I volition yet tell stories fondly, through my blog, but my interests directly prevarication inwards Korea.
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Now, it seems similar a long time, but the agency I run across it, it’s truly not. By Oct of side past times side twelvemonth I volition live preparing for my side past times side adventure… Korea.
Why Korea?
I visited Korea during Golden Week inwards May together with I savage caput over heals inwards beloved amongst the culture. Korea excited me equally I toured the palaces together with wandered around the Secret Garden. I loved the spicy food, the span shops, the agency people showed affection for 1 another. I was together with therefore excited that inwards Seoul, I could observe clothing together with shoes that fit. I was finally a normal size! In addition, if I studied hangul for 1 hour, I could larn how to read.
The terms of living is truly cheaper inwards Korea. Food, clothes, together with practiced populace carry are fantastic. I tin possess got a develop anywhere for cheap. Seoul versus Okinawa, I bargain amongst overcrowded traffic, bad drivers, together with paying for all the necessities of my car.
If I succeed into getting into GEPIK or EPIK, my housing volition live paid for. (What a relief!)
How I’m preparing
1. Studying the linguistic communication
I made a lot of mistakes earlier coming to Nihon together with my biggest fault entailed non studying the language. You intend it would live mutual sense, right? But, no, similar the broad eyed ignoramus I was, I didn’t study, amongst the mindset of, “I’ll larn Japanese when I’m inwards Japan. I’ll live fully immersed, right?”
I truly had to report hiragana, katakana, together with enquire nigh kanji. I felt lost because I couldn’t empathise a damn thing. I was equally helpless equally a newborn babe together with I couldn’t bargain amongst that, bolting me into civilization stupor early on.
Now, I industrial plant life a tutor to assist me larn Korean together with volition start learning the language.
2. Getting my funds inwards banking concern check
Moving countries takes a lot of money. You bespeak coin for rent, deposits, telephone bills, food, together with fifty-fifty a machine (maybe). When I kickoff moved to Japan, I didn’t fifty-fifty realize I would live spending equally much coin equally I was. It was crazy how much I needed simply to hold out inwards my novel country.
By saving together with setting funds aside, I tin motility to Korea comfortably.
3. Thinking nigh all the people I possess got to tell goodbye to
I could non possess got survived without the kindness of together with therefore many Japanese. In times of need, at that spot was also a really form soul to assist me. I possess got to observe a agency to necktie unloose ends whether it live giving presents or having 1 lastly dinner amongst those I’m unopen to. I know I volition live able to motility frontward into the side past times side chapter of my life later properly proverb goodbye.
4. Doing research
The network is a powerful tool I should possess got utilized earlier I came. I should possess got industrial plant life Sharla inwards Nihon or Ciaela together with listened to what they had to tell nigh Japan. I didn’t expect into the good, the bad, or the ugly. I didn’t properly query Okinawa together with what it had to offer.
Now, I possess got industrial plant life other YouTubers who alive inwards Korea together with am listening to their unlike viewpoints together with perspectives on living inwards Korea equally a foreigner. I know precisely what I’m getting into together with how to bargain amongst it.
For me, that’s a relief rather than going inwards blind.
Why I’m choosing to acquire out
As much equally I loved the civilization here, it’s fourth dimension to leave. I volition live piteous to acquire out behind 1 of the most beautiful places I possess got e'er lived. I volition fille the colorful fish, the coral reef, together with the burning orangish of the sunset reflected on the water.
I’ll fille Japanese curry together with practiced sushi. I volition fille Eisa together with walking around inwards my yukata at summertime matsuri.
I’m leaving because it’s fourth dimension to motility on. I bespeak a novel adventure. What excited me earlier doesn’t excite me much anymore. I yet beloved my sanshin. I yet beloved Cross Fit. I savor learning nigh the Ryukyu culture. I know what life hither is truly similar together with the euphoria has faded. I bespeak to stretch my wings together with expand my horizons 1 time again.
Another argue I’m leaving is because Okinawa is a dating wasteland. I possess got 2 options: armed forces or Okinawans. With the military, I don’t possess got much inwards common, if at all anything. As I mentioned earlier inwards Dating Military on Okinawa, I experience separated because they run across Okinawa differently than I do. The metallic debate does to a greater extent than than dissever us physically, it separates our worlds.
Okinawans also tend to live to a greater extent than conservative than mainland Japanese. I can’t fifty-fifty observe an Okinawan guy to expect twice at me, together with it’s truly sad. Okinawans are also shorter than mainland Japanese. Hello, Gina the Giant!
I realize I came to Nihon to learn English linguistic communication together with larn nigh a novel culture, but that isn’t plenty for me.
I bespeak to become to a house where I tin easily connect amongst people. I industrial plant life Korean civilization (especially Seoul) is really Westernized together with opened upwardly to unlike influences. I industrial plant life people are to a greater extent than agreement of foreigners because of the opened upwardly exposure to movies together with imports.
Korea is the correct check for me because of my personality. I industrial plant life to a greater extent than things that suited me inwards Korea inwards v days than I possess got inwards Okinawa inwards 2 together with a one-half years.
Alas, Okinawa, I volition live proverb goodbye to y'all inwards a twelvemonth together with a half.
Of course, I volition yet weblog amongst utmost abide by to the house that has housed me. I volition yet tell stories fondly, through my blog, but my interests directly prevarication inwards Korea.
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