Tokyo tourist map: Soutou - Quite Or Rather Inwards Japanese


soutou (with both o's lengthened: soh-toh) is a give-and-take you lot regularly listen inwards Japanese conversation that is commonly used much similar "rather" or "pretty" (e.g., "rather big," pretty fast," etc.)" inwards English.

There are genuinely to a greater extent than meanings than that to soutou, which appear inwards nearly dictionaries earlier the "pretty" meaning.

One pregnant of soutou is "equivalent to," or "much like" such equally inwards "Shouting "Banzai!" inwards Japanese is much similar shouting "Hurray!" inwards English." Banzai o sakebu koto ha eigo de Hurray o sekebu koto ni soutou suru." 万歳を叫ぶことは英語でホゥレイを叫ぶことに相当する。

Another pregnant is "commensurate with," or "fitting," such equally "A penalisation that fits the crime" Hanzai ni soutou suru batsu. 犯罪に相当する罰

Or it tin hateful "suitable" inwards the feel of "A business office suitable to individual alongside her score of experience" Kanojo no keiken ni soutou suru yakuwari 彼女の経験に相当する役割。

And if you lot await at the kanji, these "commensurate" as well as "fitting" meanings are clearly the master copy meanings, equally the sou (相) is for "mutual" as well as the tou (当) for "appropriate."

However, equally I wrote above, inwards casual conversation you lot are much to a greater extent than probable to listen soutou with the pregnant of "rather," "quite," or "pretty."

While this is past times no way a rule, I convey observed that soutou tends to convey a somewhat stronger pregnant when used inwards regard to something the speaker considers undesirable, e.g., 相当寒い soutou samui, "Pretty cold," as well as a weaker pregnant when used alongside something the speaker considers desirable, e.g., 相当きれい soutou kirei, or "Quite overnice looking."

Finally, soutou doesn't convey to move used alongside an adjective, either. You tin likewise purpose it alongside a noun, such equally 相当の努力 soto no doryoku, or "quite an effort."


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